Showing up truthfully on Insta kind of feels both terrifying and empowering. Are we right?
Sweet friend, we see you sitting there, scrolling through perfectly curated feeds and thinking “when I figure out the algorithm…” or “once I have better photos…” or “if only I knew what to post…”
But here’s the truth that changed everything for our content creation agency:
Insta is a playground. You’re your inner child. Except now, you have allll this juicy experience being in your craft that you get to share with your beloved BFFs (followers, same thing. We’ll get to that later.)
If you currently think “I hate Instagram,” let’s talk about how to transform that notion with this simple & powerful little concept. But first, let’s dive into why you might be feeling this way. ✨
Instagram resistance is rarely about the platform itself — it’s usually about deeper fears and misalignments.
Most “hate” for Instagram comes from feeling like we need to be someone we’re not!
In turn, Insta didn’t really do anything to us, and neither did all the other platforms you might be afraid of (YouTube, blogging, etc.).
When we say “I hate Instagram,” what we’re often really saying is “I hate how Instagram makes me feel about myself and my business.” 😭
Many biz owners consider Instagram alternatives for business just because of this emotional toll! But before jumping ship totally (which is fine, BTW!), it’s worth addressing the underlying issue, so you at least know the “why” behind it all.
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There’s something uniquely vulnerable about showing your true self on a public platform. Sometimes, “hating Instagram” is actually a protection mechanism against potential rejection!
Rejecting is scary. It’s why we’re afraid of being salesy, asking for referrals, and so so so many other things that could totally help our businesses grow!
You also may be worrying that your authentic voice won’t be “professional enough,” so you hide behind perfectionism — which ironically keeps you from creating the very connections you’re hoping for. 🥲
The truth? The more genuinely you show up, the more your audience resonates with you. Your people are looking for YOU, not another polished, cookie-cutter account that looks like everyone else’s.
In fact, inner child you. (We’re getting closer to talking about this!)
Social media anxiety is real, but it often stems from this fear of judgment rather than issues with the platform itself.
Oh, the Instagram rabbit hole of perfect feeds! How quickly it kills our creativity.
Comparison puts us in our heads instead of our hearts. Looking at others’ content before creating your own is practically guaranteed to diminish your creative spark!
Comparison reduces creative thinking by activating our analytical brain rather than our creative one. When we’re comparing, we’re judging — both others and ourselves — rather than creating from our unique perspective.
From there, that’s when social media overwhelm comes to play! It’s like trying to hear your own voice while a hundred other people are talking. Of course that’s a scary, overwhelming feeling!
There’s this persistent myth that only certain aesthetics “work” on Instagram. This perfection paralysis keeps us from posting anything at all.
While we’re waiting for “perfect,” we’re missing connections happening right now. This creates a vicious cycle: perfectionism leads to inconsistency, which leads to poor results, which reinforces our belief that we’re “bad at Instagram.”
What your audience actually wants isn’t perfection — it’s YOU. Your perspective, your voice, your unique way of seeing the world. The more AI comes into play, the more your audience is begging for people like you. Faces, thoughts, ideas, imperfection.
It’s uncomfortable scrolling through overly polished business accounts when your natural way of speaking feels completely different.
You might believe business content needs to sound a certain way — formal, authoritative, filled with jargon. But algorithm-obsession and formality disconnect us from our authentic voice and not to mention is sooooo draining.
If you find yourself staring at captions thinking “this doesn’t sound like me at all,” that’s a clear sign you’re forcing a voice that isn’t yours.
Creating an authentic online presence means letting your natural communication style guide your content — even if it doesn’t look like what everyone else is doing. That’s where deep, beautiful truth comes out.
When we first started with Instagram, we felt exactly the same way.
All the Instagram gurus talked about algorithms and strategy, but nobody was talking about how Instagram can be a playground — a fun space that happens to be where your ideal clients are hanging out too.
Here’s the secret that changed everything for us: there are legitimately NO rules for Instagram.
There is no content plan you must follow other than being yourself. People have done every and anything on this platform and found success. When we can shift our perspective from “I hate Instagram” to “I get to experiment here,” our content can completely transform.
The freedom that comes from dropping the “shoulds” around Instagram is truly, honestly, incredible.
And when you look at the most successful accounts, they’re often the most authentic ones — the ones that break “rules” and create their own path.
For those experiencing Instagram stress, relief is so possible through this reframing — seeing it as one tool in your toolbelt rather than the be-all-end-all of your marketing!
Approaching Instagram with playful curiosity changes everything.
It’s a lab, not a performance. Experiment!
What if you posted that thought you just had? What if you shared that behind-the-scenes moment? What if you spoke about that topic you’re passionate about but afraid to share? All when you don’t have makeup on, in your bed, outside for a walk, heck, even getting out of the shower if you desperately need to get that thought out (maybe throw on a shirt, though 😉)!
Sure, you can use the data and feedback you get as you keep posting (something you will never have if you don’t post!) but there’s no need to let it control your creative choices.
Find what feels good AND resonates. That will always win. Your heart — which is where this content should come from — will always win.
This sort of “minimal” Instagram strategy focuses on quality over quantity, connection over perfection, and simplicity over complexity. Love that for you, already. 🥹
Related: Your Guide to Content Creation For Introverts (Stress-Free!)
Many creative, energy-centric biz owners like you stepped into this world because they didn’t feel they had a voice and wanted to create a space of their own.
This shouldn’t stop when it comes to social media platforms! Why put yourself through that?!
When you truly own your space on Instagram, you feel energized rather than drained after posting. You’re creating from alignment rather than from shoulds.
You’ve defined what “success” looks like for YOUR business, not someone else’s.
And owning your space? That means crafting Instagram business boundaries that honor your energy and creative flow. AKA, if you don’t want to post, don’t.
It means recognizing that presence matters more than perfection. It means creating content that feels like an extension of your business values rather than a separate performance.
While some businesses explore social media presence without Instagram, others find that setting clear boundaries makes staying on the platform more sustainable. And hey, maybe that can be you!
Imagine if Instagram was just sending voice memos, FaceTime, and texting your bestie.
Welp, that’s it. That’s all you need. 🤷♀️
This “bestie filter” changes your content immediately. The question becomes: “How would I explain this to my best friend?” rather than “How should a professional business owner talk about this?”
The content that feels most vulnerable is often the most powerful. Something magical happens when you drop these walls — people respond to your humanity.
Some practical ways to apply the bestie filter:
⋒ Write a caption as if you just had the biggest epiphany and you’re texting your friend about it
⋒ DARE to not edit out your personality quirks or mistakes!
⋒ Photo dump your latest 5 “hearted” photos in your phone — don’t worry about editing them
You can maintain your unique voice while still being strategic. In fact, your authentic voice IS your strategy! 🪄
Lots of biz owners have explored alternative social platforms because of the fear (and maybe fatigue!) from Insta. But sometimes, the solve isn’t leaving but just reimagining your relationship with the platform.
With that said, it’s perfectly valid to explore Instagram free marketing strategies if the platform truly isn’t right for you. I hope you find a place where you can find your unique voice.
Your perspective, your energy, your way of seeing the world.
The path from “I hate Instagram” to “I own this space” is reclaiming your voice, embracing experimentation, and treating this platform as an extension of your beautiful, truthful business.
Ready to transform your Instagram experience? Our one-gal content creation agency would absolutely love to help you craft a content approach that feels like effortless magic, not mechanical marketing.
Book a 15-minute call to see if we’re a fit for working together. ♡
Your “I hate Instagram” mindset can actually simply be “let me create something beautiful while talking to my bestie.” Here’s how.